Go, go, go, go, go...does that sound like your life? Friends, it is definitely the hallmark of my existence these days. In the age of increasing technology, which is supposed to make our lives easier and less complicated, I have found myself even busier...tied to my smartphone, tablet, and laptop. Though I thoroughly enjoy what I do, the constant activity can be pretty draining. And with that, we can’t forget the pressures of home and family, charity and other organizational commitments. Even though all of these things are good, they still have the tendency to overwhelm even the most organized and efficient of individuals. Do you guys ever feel like that? Be honest…. The research shows that all adults experience some sort of stress, regardless of whether we admit it or not….

I’ve personally found that your body can only take so much before it begins to betray you.  Similar to what we discovered during our “Nighty Nite” sleep piece, stress and lack of relaxation time can really do a number on you. Before I forget, stress can either be positive stress (eustress) or negative stress (distress). No matter the source, our body reacts to stress in the same manner. Let’s check out how:


  • Decreased immune response – Stress triggers increased cortisol (the “stress hormone”) secretion, which, in turn, decreases the protective inflammatory response, decreases cells that kill cancer, and increases infection rates.

  • Damaged arteries and veins – Constant exposure to stress makes one more prone to atherosclerosis (fatty deposits that may accumulate in blood vessels). In addition, different types of inflammation-causing cells are also components of said deposits or plaques.

  • Altered digestion – Chronic stress may trigger increased inflammation throughout the gastrointestinal tract and could make conditions like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease worse.

  • Genetic mutations – Increased exposure to cortisol (there it is again….) promotes more rapid cell death by decreasing the body’s supply of telomerase (an enzyme that works to counteract the normal cellular progression/aging that results from cell division), thus hastening the aging process and related health risks.

  • More prone to accidents – This one isn’t steeped so deeply in physiology, but more related to behavior. Increased stress, resulting in distractions, hurrying, worrying, multitasking, etc. simply makes one more prone to accident and injury.

  • Worsening memory – Similar to how stress makes individuals more accident-prone, distraction and overstimulation precipitated by stress may negatively impact memory. In more extreme circumstances, acute stress caused by severe emotional trauma may actually result in memory loss.

  • Poorer decision making – This may be a little less intuitive. When under stress, individuals are less likely to consider negative information or potential outcomes and more heavily weigh upside potential. This leads to less carefully thought-out decisions and potentially more negative outcomes.

  • Risk of isolation and depression – Finally, the inability to positively and effectively deal with stress can lead to bad moods, relationship strain, which may spiral into a depressed state.

Yikes! I know you have already started packing your bags!  Wait….Or have you?? The research also shows that (for Americans), the number of vacation days that we take annually has actually decreased over the years. This is even taking into account unemployment rates and patterns. Definitely not a great trend….But for my European friends…you guys totally get it right…vacation is non-negotiable in that part of the world (and yes, I am jealous….LOL).


Over the past couple years, I have become much more intentional about taking that proverbial “time out”. This has included vacation time with family, a girls “stay-cation” weekend, and birthday and anniversary celebrations with friends. Whether the time was completely planned, or there was unplanned leisure time, the time away actually made me feel better. I felt rested, with more energy, more relaxed…I felt as though I could think more clearly and had a more positive outlook. Hey…maybe I should take more of these…Like I said, my European friends definitely have this vacation thing right!


In addition to positively addressing all of the physiological and psychological effects listed above (which y’all KNOW I love, but won’t repeat for your sake…me and my science…LOL), my research found some other fun benefits, including the following:

  • Improved family relationships and bonding – an international study determined that participation in family/group vacations promote what is termed a crescive bond (shared experience) through the development of lasting emotional connections. Everyone benefits, so don’t neglect to take that family vacation!

  • Better performance at work (including raises – cha ching!!!) – A study in the Harvard Business Review showed that employees who took more than 10 vacation days had a 65.4% chance of receiving a raise or bonus in a three year timeframe, versus only a 34.6% chance of receiving increased compensation for those individuals who took fewer than 10 vacation days. So don’t leave those vacation days on the table!


Even the best vacation has the potential to cause at least a little bit of stress, so here are a couple quick tips to decrease that stress and make the absolute best of your oh-so-necessary vacation!

  • Plan ahead – For goodness sakes, don’t add more stress by risking unpleasant “surprises” during your vacation. Just a little bit of research and preparation goes a long way.

  • Be active – Plan to participate in an activity that gets your body moving. This can be golf, hiking, etc. Find something you enjoy and get after it!

  • Do something new – There’s nothing like vacation to spark that adventurous spirit. Embrace it…you never know…you may find something that you absolutely love!

Now that we know the why behind the what...let’s get going! Plan that vacation, even if it’s only for a few days or a few miles away. Your body, your mind, and maybe even your wallet (LOL) will thank you!

Happy travels!



Nighty Nite…


The Heart of the Matter